
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Burrows Wellbeing Walk

Burrows Wellbeing walk

A Braunton Countryside Centre Event

11th Sep, 10:00am

***Our fortnightly Wellbeing walk will look a little different this week***

We will be heading to Crow Point for a walk on the dunes and beach to explore this special landscape and the habitats it provides for flora and fauna. The walk will last around an hour and we will have lunch afterwards.

A minibus will be provided from the Braunton Countryside Centre. Tea and coffee will be also be provided but please bring a packed lunch. Please dress for the local weather forecast and wear appropriate footwear for uneven and sandy terrain.

The minibus will depart from the Countryside Centre at the earlier time of 10am and return at 12.30pm. Booking is essential for this event. Please email jess@brauntoncountrysidecentre.org to book your space.

Wellbeing Walk – Braunton Countryside Centre