
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

National Landscape Environment Group

This group is for 15-25 year olds who have an interest in the natural environment and want to gain experience and knowledge whilst meeting other like-minded young people and local environmental organisations. 

If you are interested in joining this group, please do get in contact and email evie.giblett@devon.gov.uk

Summer Events 2024

Join us for our upcoming events this year! We have a wide variety of activities running from Reptile Rambles to practical conservation days! See our calendar of events below…

Here are some of the activities we have been up to recently…

Bird Ringing & Nest Box Surveys

This summer the group have had the opportunity to join expert Chris Dee on local bird ringing rounds. They learned about how birds are caught using mist nets, ringed and released as well as all of the intricate measurements and details taken for each bird. Seeing these special creatures up close really highlights their beauty and importance! Species ringed included Blue Tits, Green Finch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wren, Gold Crest, Siskin and more.

Earlier on in the year the group visited the woods with Chris and practiced nest box surveys learning how each nest is recorded with a different abbreviation for different levels of nest builds. They learnt about how the addition of nest boxes in a woodland can make a big different to birds survival rate, especially those travelling from afar like the Pied Flycatcher. Plus seeing the tiny Blue Tit eggs for the first time was super special!

Plant ID Workshop at Woolacombe

The group headed down to Ventian at the south end of the Woolacombe Dunes to learn about the wildflower meadow management being carried out by the National Trust. There a huge flourish of Oxeye dasies and Vipers Bugloss covered the mown area. We identified different species observed their defining characteristics.

Organic Farm Visit

The group visited a local organic farmer to learn about the methods of organic farming, stewardship agreements, legislation and triumphs and challenges faced in wildlife friendly farming. Deer, barn owls, kestrels and hares thrive in this farms’ natural landscape and the group learnt about how the wildflower meadows and variation in habitats has increased the biodiversity of the land.

CV Workshop

We shared an evening at the Braunton Countryside Centre learning about how to write environmental focussed CVs and applications. Understanding this art can be daunting and a difficult process for anyone!

Combe Martin – Lee Expedition

In August the group took on the challenge of walking nearly 13Km from combe Martin to Lee along the South West coast path. We were met with only one rain shower at the end and enjoyed a sunny day recording over 300 species on our trip! A few highlights included spotting the Peregrine Falcon at Ilfracombe, a group of basking Common Lizards and a huge number of bats around the Lee bay shore! Here are some photos from the day…

Here’s what we got up to in 2023!

Biodiversity at Mortepoint

For the group’s first meet up they went to Morte Point where they met up with Paul South, a National Trust ranger, who told them all about how The National Trust are managing the Morte Point site with the use of cow collars to create a mosaic of habitats and increase biodiversity. 

Rapid Rainforest Assessment in Combe Martin

The group went to Adderstable Woods in Combe Martin, where they assessed the health of the woodland using PlantLife’s rapid rainforest assessment. They were lucky enough to have a great sighting of a greater spotted woodpecker as it came in and out of its nest!

Cetacean Surveying

The environment group went to Capstone in Ilfracombe and joined Sea Watch Foundation volunteers Chris and Sharron Blackmore on their cetacean survey. This was a great evening where we learnt just how simple it was to contribute to citizen science data of marine mammal sightings in your local area by using the Sea Watcher app.

Night UV Rockpooling at Lee Bay

A highlight event was night time rockpooling at Lee Bay where everyone had a great time finding all kinds of rocky shore creatures that were really active in the dark including hundreds of tiny crabs! Several intertidal species glowed under the UV light, the best being snakelocks anemones!

Hartland Peninsula Expedition

In July, the AONB Environment Group went on a 2-day expedition from the Cornish border at Marsland to Brownsham National Trust across the Hartland peninsula which was approximately 24 km. They saw some great wildlife including countless invertebrates, a kestrel that was hunting very close by and a peregrine. Despite the torrential rain, everyone maintained a positive attitude and enjoyed the trip! 

Bats, Moths and Butterflies

In August, the group went to Braunton Burrows to look for butterflies with Geoff Morton, a local butterfly enthusiast. They saw 10 species including holly blue, common blue, comma and brimstone. They then had a BBQ before putting out the moth trap and going for a bat walk at Seymour. The trap caught 16 moth species and the group detected common pipistrelles. It was an action packed and fun day!