
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Conservation task day, installing wooden bridges at Northam Burrows.

Event Date: 12th January 2022, 10:00 – 16:00

Event Category: Volunteering Activity

Location: Northam Burrow Country Park

Suitable for: Fit and able bodied individuals with some free time an interest in the local area.

Cost: Free

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Join the Northam Burrows ranger team to help to care for this lovely country park. Learn new skills, help with vital conservation work and enjoy spending time in the fresh air. Most activities take place between 10am and 4pm.

This event will be focused on installing some wooden bridged across the Northam Country Park to imporve access for visistors. 

All events are free but pre-booking is essential (contact details are  below, limited spaces are available). All welcome, no experience necessary. Tools and gloves are provided. Please bring weather appropriate clothing and a packed lunch.

For booking please email: northam.burrows@torridge.gov.uk

Or alternatively contact via telephone: 01237 479708

