Circular walk, around Braunton taking in the Beacon with Pete Yeo, a reconciliation ecologist and nature connections guide.
This circular walk, roughly two hours in duration, will depart from the Countryside Centre and peak on Braunton’s Beacon Trail, with its views over the heart of the North Devon Biosphere Reserve. Aside from a scenic walk rich in wellbeing, Pete will invite contemplation of the biocultural footprint of horticulture in this area, touching on gardening styles, exotic plants gone wild, and climate change, amongst other things. Looking ahead too, what could the future hold for our relationship with plants, and how might we meet it well?
The walk is family friendly and suitable for older children. The walk will involve a hill climb so suitable footwear and outdoor clothing is recommended. Due to Covid 19 restrictions, places for this event will be limited.
About The Guide: Pete Yeo is from North Devon and describes himself as a reconciliation ecologist and nature mentor; he’s passionate about connecting people to their wider nature, focussing on more holistic and harmonious relationships with the plant realm especially. Pete is being invited to lead an increasing number of walks in that spirit. You can find out more about him via his website, along with information on his related offerings:
Testimonial: “Pete has an encyclopaedic knowledge of local flora and an ability to communicate with all kinds of people. He brings a wider philosophical approach to his walks and talks that both challenges and entertains participants”. Peter Stiles, The Plough Arts Centre, Torrington