
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Repair Cafe Barnstaple – Plastic Free North Devon

Event Date: 16th September 2023, 11:00 – 14:00

Event Category: Volunteering Activity

Location: St Johns Community Centre – Barnstaple

Come along anytime 11am-2pm

Textiles repairs – Such as replacing zips and buttons (bring your own zips and buttons), darning teddy bears, simple alterations, visible darning

Small electrical repairs – Such as radios, headphones, cameras

Minor carpentry repairs

IT Support – For software-related problems that you can bring with you (such as laptops and tablets), and general IT advice on most subjects (although our superstar volunteer is less familiar with Apple products).

For more information visit the Plastic Free North Devon Facebook events page – (1) Barnstaple Repair Cafe | Facebook

Join the repair revolution! 
