
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

What You Can Do For Nature This Spring

Event Date: 31st March 2021, 19:30

Event Category: Talk / Conference

Location: Virtual

Cost: £3 + booking fee

Join Bryony Paul from the North Devon Biosphere’s Pledge for Nature project as she explores what you can do to help nature this Spring.

Across the planet, nature and the climate are in deep trouble. Even in our stunning local area, recognised for its environment by UNESCO, our wildlife is a shadow of its former glory. This talk will cover some of the special species found in the North Devon UNECSO Biosphere and the positive actions that we can take in our communities and in our gardens to help them at this time of year.

Bryony will also be talking about swifts, house martins and pollinator friendly/wildflower planting in particular.

This event will be hosted online via Zoom and there will be a live Q&A with speaker after the presentation. Joining instructions will be sent out shortly before the event.

About the Presenter:

Bryony is the Pledge for Nature Coordinator for the North Devon Biosphere. Pledge for Nature is a project (launched in January 2020 and supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund) aimed at galvanising community action to help nature’s recovery (www.biosphere.org.uk/pledgefornature ). Before Pledge for Nature she was an ecological consultant undertaking a wide variety of species and habitat surveys and also worked in Canada in education and sustainable development and has a BSc in Natural Sciences.

For more information or to book please visit the Braunton Countryside Centre website 
