
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Cliffs near Hartland Quay

The North Devon Coast AONB is defined by its Special Qualities. These are what make our AONB so special. There are 14 Special Qualities and for each of these we have chosen a place within the AONB where you can see what we mean.

Special Quality 1 – Diversity of scenery contained within a small area, including some of the finest cliff scenery in the country (as mentioned at designation)

The dramatic coastline near Hartland Quay and shows why the area was designated as an AONB in 1960 The rugged coastline on the Atlantic Coast is in marked contrast to the more sheltered coastlines seen within Bideford Bay, or the north facing coastline that lies adjacent to the Bristol Channel. This image was taken at Hartland Quay a popular place to take in the breath-taking coastal scenery.
