
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Management Plan 2019 – 2024

Management Plan 

The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 requires that all Local Authorities covering the North Devon AONB act together to review their Management Plan every five years. This process was completed in March 2019 and a new Plan produced and adopted by the three local planning authorities. The policies and priority actions in the new Plan reflect the challenges and opportunities highlighted in the sections on ‘Forces for Change’ as well as the consultation responses from AONB Partnership members, local and regional agencies, six ‘expert debates’ and a formal public consultation process in the Autumn of 2019. Thank you to everyone who made contributions. Due to the changeable policy context, the AONB Partnership decided to produce an annual delivery plan rather than a five year one (see below), but have included indicative medium and long term priorities alongside known priorities for the first two years.

Management Plan 2019 – 2024

Delivery Actions and Progress Year 2


Supporting Documents

State of the AONB 2014-2018

Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report

Statement of Consultation and Community Involvement

NAAONB Policy and Legal

NAAONB Guidance

2014 – 2019 North Devon Coast AONB Management Plan

Habitats Regulation Assessment