
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Bumble Bees and the Westcountry Buzz

Event Date: 14th October 2022, 19:00

Event Category: Talk / Conference

Bumblebees are fascinating creatures and key pollinators – find out about their ecology, how the West Country Buzz Project is working to safeguard our local rare species and how you can help.

Jamie Buxton-Gould is the Conservation Officer for the West Country Buzz Project in North Devon which aims to enhance habitats across the area for bumblebees and other pollinators, especially our rare species. Learn about the lifecycles and ecology of bumblebees alongside identification techniques of our common and scarcer species, including how you can help spot the rare Brown-banded and Moss carder bees. Find out ways to help bumblebees through our Beewalk Scheme and encourage them into your garden through providing suitable floral resources throughout the year.

There will be a break for refreshments part way through the talk and there will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

Bumble Bees and the West Country Buzz | Devon Wildlife Trust

