
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Recording Wildlife- Putting N.Devon on the map

Event Date: 10th March 2023, 19:30

Event Category: Talk / Conference

Location: Fremington Parish Hall

Cost: £3

Join a group of local experts for a chance to look at how to record what we see in North Devon and how such information can be used.

About the event

Recording our wildlife : Putting North Devon on the map | Devon Wildlife Trust

We have several speakers attending to give us an introduction to recording wildlife and how the information is used: Jack Rivers from Devon Biodiversity Records Centre will give us an overview of the role of DBRC and the importance of recording wildlife with some examples of things seen in North Devon.

Chris Dee BTO (British Trust for Ornithology ) WeBS (Wetland Birds Survey) North Devon Co-ordinator will be giving an outline of the WeBS project, birds seen in the area and how folk can help with this project.

Joe Newberry and Laura Carolan will introduce us to the North Devon AONB “ Finding Natures Footprints” project, what is planned in North Devon and how we can get involved with some examples of things already undertaken.

The talk includes the opportunity for questions and discussion. There is a break for refreshments . We ask for an entry donation of £3 to cover costs of the event with any surplus being used for North Devon based conservation activities.

Contact details

Debbie Frazer

01271 327739 / 07887 926760

