
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Tree Planting Plastic Free – Devon Wildlife Trust

Event Date: 2nd February 2023, 18:00

Event Category: Talk / Conference

Location: Online

Cost: Free

Join Saving Devon’s Treescapes & The Woodland Trust to discuss the ongoing journey of how we can move towards plastic free tree protection.

Event details

Planting Plastic Free – The Woodland Trust journey | Devon Wildlife Trust

DWT’s Saving Devon’s Treescapes (SDT) project is delighted to be working with project partner the Woodland Trust, to bring you this online presentation about plastic free tree protection.

The Woodland Trust is using its estate to research and trial plastic-free and shelter-free woodland creation across the UK – including alternative shelters, natural regeneration, herbivore fencing, over-planting, companion thorn planting, and natural seeding.

Joe Middleton, a South West Site Manager for the Woodland Trust, has been leading one of the UK’s biggest trial sites of plastic-free shelters at Avoncliff Wood near Bath for the Woodland Trust, with 5000 trees planted using 14 different types of alternative plastic-free shelters in 2019-20. They are researching all the sustainability credentials of each product and the alternatives, and the results are fascinating.

Here about their journey to sustainable woodland creation. More info here https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/about-us/what-we-do/research-and-evide…

SDT is a partnership project led by Devon Wildlife Trust on behalf of the Devon Ash Dieback Resilience Forum. It is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, One Tree Planted and other funders. You can read more about the SDT project here: https://www.devonwildlifetrust.org/saving-devons-treescapes

If you have any questions prior to, or after the event, please contact Rosie (rcotgreave@devonwildlifetrust.org).
