
North Devon Coast

National Landscape

01392 388628

Pebble Ridge & Sandymere

The North Devon Coast AONB is defined by its Special Qualities. These are what make our AONB so special. There are 14 Special Qualities and for each of these we have chosen a place within the AONB where you can see what we mean.

Special Quality 6 –  A vast sand dune system at Braunton Burrows of exposed wild character, with high nature-conservation interest of international importance, and the pebble ridge at Westward Ho! 

The dramatic pebble ridge is an iconic landscape feature within the North Devon Coast. A product of longshore drift, this natural embankment of pebbles stretches for 2 miles from Westward Ho! to the mouth of the Taw and Torridge estuary, providing a natural sea defence to the Northam Burrows Country Park behind.
